vă rog din suflet mă puteți ajuta si pe mine vă promit că va dau follow

1. -----
2. ----
3. Jennifer haven't finished her homework (aici nu sunt prea sigura de raspuns, incearca sa verifici pe internet daca este corect)
4. They have met the president.
5. No, we have not.
6. Have roberto visited Vancouver?
7. Yes, he have done.
8. Mrs. Smith haven't read the book.
9. He have been a teacher.
10. Have you been in jail?
11. I haven't cleaned my room.
12. No, they haven't been.
13. Have she been sick?
14. Have he swum in the ocean?
15. They haven't arrived.
16. Where have they been?
17. We have lived here for a year.
18. What have he done?
19. It haven't rained for a long time.
20. Who have finished the homework?
Nu garantez ca raspunsurile sunt corecte, inca sunt copil, ceea ce inseamna ca inca invat, oricum sper ca sunt corecte, iar daca nu sunt imi cer scuze, fac tot ce pot :). Succes!