Writing a letter of application

I am (numele tău) and I am writing this letter for the post of an assistant at Website Designers. I saw this advertisment on 10th October 2006.
I attendet high school at (cel mai bun liceu din orașul tău cu profil mate-info), passing the final exam with a high GPA and then continuing my education at UPB (Universitatea Politehnică din București).I was the leader of my class when i was finished it. Right now I am working at Graphic Designers Bucharest. I type really fast and really good. I was the employee of the month 10 times and i was raised for good behavior and very high skills, but, i'd like to try something new.
In high school and college i attendet a lot of competitions, about maths, physics, informatics and chemistry. Thank you for the attention, you can contact me at this email: [email protected].
(semnătura ta)
*când transcrii pe fișă textul, să nu transcrii și ce scrie în paranteză!