am nevoie de ajutor la engleza!

1.I study English every day (cum e)
2:We teach english (asa cum e)
3:He pays me well
4:Danielle flies to Paris once a year.
5:She never did her homework
6:This girls always pushes somebody
7:They want to do something special tonight (asa cum e )
8:David never mixed eggs and vinegar together
9.The room was on fire
10.I ussualy help my mother cook (Asa cum e)
11:You still believe in santa claus (asa cum e)
12:My neighbour has a new car
13:My sister speaks Spanish
14.Frank goes to work every day
15: Matha and paul swim twice a weeek (asa cum e )
16: John never leaves the country
17:Scuze dar nu stiu probabil e is
18:He misses her a lot.
19:I like you(asa cum e)
20:Stella sings Let it go
Sper ca te am ajutat mult succes si daca vrei sa ma ajuti poti sa lasi o coronita :)