
Cine imi traduce in engleza textul[e un text facut de mine daca vedeti ceva greselii la exprimare si aveti si alte ideii sunt bine venite}
Sunt de acord in totalitate cu afirmatia ,,Nu conteaza ce job ai ,ci cum lucrezi'.Nu conteaza ce job ai,conteaza cum lucrezi si daca iti place ceea ce faci.Pentru unii conteaza doar ca sunt bine platiti si uita ca este important sa te straduiesti pe zi ce trece sa fii mai bun in meseria pe care o ai.De exemplu ,este mai bine sa lucrezi ca gradinar,un loc de munca care nu e foarte bine platit dar sa iti placa sa ai grija de flori,sa le ingrijesti mereu cu drag.E important sa iubesti ceea ce faci .Orice meserie este importanta si avem nevoie de medici,gradinari,electriciani ,pompieri,politisti,profesori,tamplari ,gospodari,pastori etc .Rar gasesti oameni care sa lucreze si din placere ,nu doar din nevoia de banii.

Răspuns :


It doesn't matter what job you have, but how you work. It doesn't matter what job you have, it matters how you work and if you like what you do. For some it only matters that they are well paid and forget that it is important to strive every day to be better in the job you have. For example, it is better to work as a gardener, a job that is not very well paid but you like to take care of flowers, to always take care of them with pleasure. you love what you do. Every job is important and we need doctors, gardeners, electricians, firefighters, police, teachers, carpenters, housekeepers, pastors, etc. Rarely do you find people who work for pleasure, not just for the need of money.

I totally agree with the following: It doesn't matter what job you have, but how you do it. It doesn't matter what job you have, but if you work and you like what you're doing. For some people matters just the fact that they're well-paid and they forget that it's important to work everyday and be better at the job you have. For example, it's better to work as a gardener, a job that isn't so well-paid but you like taking care of the flowers. it's important to love what you're doing. any work is important and we need doctors, gardeners, cops, teachers, etc. You rarely find people who work from their heart, not just because they need money.

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