
Choose your role model.Alegeti-va o persoană model.Poate fi oricine un membru al familiei o persoană din afara,un actor sau un personaj.
Veți urma pași următori:
-scrie numele celui/celei pe care l-ați ales că model | The nane of your role model.
-motivul pentru care l-ați ales.
-opinia voastră despre persoana aleasă și o scurtă descriere.
Alcătuiți un text de maxim 10 randuri urmand pași de mai sus.
Textul sa fie scris in engleza.
vă rog ajutați mă​

Choose Your Role ModelAlegetiva O Persoană ModelPoate Fi Oricine Un Membru Al Familiei O Persoană Din Afaraun Actor Sau Un PersonajVeți Urma Pași Următoriscrie class=

Răspuns :



I chose Verea Viteazul because when I was younger, my grandparents always told me about him, and I admire him because, from what my grandparents told me,  he is a very strong and brave character.

He is the brother of Ileana Cosânzeana, and he protects her from Zmeu, who wants to kidnap her and marry her.

He is one of the main characters that appears in the Romanian fairy tale "Cypriots The Brave of the World, Verea Viteazul and Mucea-far-de-moarte" by Alexandru Vasiliu, the popular fairy tale "Verea-Viteazul" and the compilation story in Grigore Botezatu's treatment "Făt-Frumos and Verea Viteazul ”

All these stories, with some variations, describe a single thread of narration: after hunting three pigeons on a hunt, Verea Viteazul with a horse and a few dogs is in a forest under a huge tree. When he makes a fire to fry the pigeons, he hears from the tree the voice of a babe who complains that she is cold. Verea Viteazul invites her to go down to the fire to warm herself. Baba gives him three hairs and tells him to throw them on a horse and dogs. After he throws the hair, she goes down barefoot to the fire with frogs on a spit and tries to touch her pigeons. Verea Brave asks not to spoil her food, the old woman answers that those who fry pigeons should eat frogs, and those who fry frogs should eat pigeons. Verea The brave push her away from the fire. Then the hairs turn into chains and tie his horse and dogs, and the grandmother grows over him like a monster and, threatening to strangle him, tells him not to move. As punishment, the grandmother splits her belly, removes her intestines, heart, and kidneys, and instead fills her belly with horse manure or wood rot. Baba takes Verea Viteazul's intestines to her house at the top of a tree, heals his womb with water, and, before releasing him, says that if he tells anyone about what happened, he will die immediately. Verea The Brave returns to his palace.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! SUCCES!! <3