cum se realizeaza exercițul?

1.To visit our
2.They were very glad to see us
3.It was a very good holiday for us
4.We went swimming with my brother
5.He swims well
6.We had picnics all togheter
7.My grandmother made sandwiches for us
8.She makes really delicious sandwiches
9.I love her all meals
10.My father and mother .....
11.They like dancing and at the wekeend they go to a dance club
12.While my parents were out,my grandfather told us funny stories.
13.We laughed all night
14.My grandmother made pop-corn for us
15.In the mornings we had breakfast in the garden
16.It full of flowers
17.I/We played with the ducks and hen
18.They were very lovely
19.It was a very beutiful holiday
20.I am waiting for the next visit to our (grand?)parents impatiently.
Sper ca team ajutat!