
O scrisoare in engleza in care sa informezi cu prieten ca ai intrat la facultate

Răspuns :

dear, (your friend's name)
I would like to inform you that I managed to get into college well! I hope everything goes well there!
dear, (your name)


draga,(numele prietenului tau)
As vrea sa te informez ca am reusit sa intru cu bine la facultate!Sper ca acolo mege totul bine!
cu drag,(numele tau)

Dear Paul,

Do you remember when I told you two months ago that I applied to Harvard? Well, yesterday I got a mail from them and it said: "Harvard is happy to say that you are accepted to our community and it would be a honor for us to pay all the supplies for you in the first year of college.". I hope we can meet tommorow at 3 pm to celebrate at my house.

With love,

...(your name)