plsssss ajutorrrr urgentttt

1 Were you writing with a pencil
2Were the boys reading comics
3Was Kim asking questions
4Were helen and anne taking photos
5Was your sister making a lot of noise
6Was rhe teacher leaving the classroom
7Were the girls sending files?
8Was the dog sitting under a tree
9Were they looking at pictures
Sincer nu sunt sigur daca e corect si acesta e deahia primul exercitiu
Ex 2
I was talking to my friend
He was making the bed
The boys were feeding the parrots
We were having breakfast at 5:30 morning
She was wearing a nice skirt
Toms younger brother was crying
You were taking photos with my new camera arent you
My father was buying vegetables at the supermarket
They were sitting on the sofa
Robwrt was lieing(nu cred că e corect lieing :) ) on the beach