
Ex 2 si 3 daca se poate de la pagina indicată......
People got accustomed to using all excisting means were purchased from Mexico and since then they of transpartation that connect regions and countries to became part of the USA. Los Angeles is a world centre each other, Transportation by sea is one of them. Many of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, cities in diflerent countries developed good maritime media, fashion, science, technology and education, routes' networks by building SEA PORTS. There are As the home base of Hollywood, it s known as the many important SEA PORT CITIES in the world. In this "Entertainment very lesson you'l find out some cognitive information Capital of the World about SEA PORT CITIES ke New York, Los Angeles and Singapore. The port of Los Angeles is located in San Pedro Bay, approximately 32 ken South of downtown. New York New York City is geo- graphically the larges The port omplex and most populated Sea occupies 30 km' of Purt City in the USA and land and water. is known for its history as a galeway tor immigra- tion to the Lnited States and also for its status as a Singapore Singapore is an islard city-state off the southern tip of the MALAY PENINSULA, 137 km north of equator. It consists of 63 islands with total land area of 704 km portation and manufac The first records of settlement in Singapore are from tuciog centre. New York the 2 nd century AD. Singapore is a name of both the was inhabited by Native American groups at the time city and country that constitutes a single municipality. the Dutch colonized Manhatan areas in 1624. The Sineavore became a British colony an august 2, 1824. British toxok over for Manhattan and the colony by an By 1869, 100.000 people lived on the isiand. At present nexation, two vears later. The Statue pf Liberty, a gilt of singapore has a diverse population of 5 million people France to the United States, was inaugurated on Blis made up of the Chinese, Malays, Indians, Asians and Cucasians of diferent ethnic arigins. Even before independence in 1965 Singapore was already one of the richest states in East Asia due to its strategic location financial, cultural, trans- Isiand in the New York Harbor in October 28, 1886. Los Angeles Los Angeles is the second largest Sea Port City in the LUnited States, and with a population of 3,8 million people is the largest city in the Western United States. Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781 by the Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. It became a port of Mexico in 1821, following its independence from Spain. In 1848 Los Angeles and the rest of California....
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VA ROG MULTDAU COROANAEx 2 Si 3 Daca Se Poate De La Pagina Indicată SEAPORT CITIES People Got Accustomed To Using All Excisting Means Were Purchased From Mexico class=

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