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1. When i arrived they were having lunch and invited me to join them. (past continuous)
2. When I arrived the press conference had already started and the couch was answering questions about the disastrous match. (past continuous)
3. I was decorating a cake when the lights went out. I was furios. (past continuous)
4. When my friend entered the room I left, so we didn't have time to chat. (past simple)
5. Annie was watching his favourite soap on TV when the phone rang. (past continuous)
6. I was listening to the radio while my sister was watching TV. (past continuous)
7. He came in , turned the TV on and sat down in his favourite spot.( past simple)
8. We were playing NFS when mum called us for a snack.(past continuous)
9. My wife and I were walking along quietly when the dog attacked her. (past continuous)
10. I was arranging the table for dinner when my husband came in at 6:30 (past continuous)
11. The thieves broke the window and snuck In. (past simple)
12. What you were thinking when tou bought this ugly hat? (past continuous)
13. He couldn't believe what he saw. (past simple)
14. She was driving her car when she saw her friend entering the jewelry shop. (was driving=past continuous, saw=past simple)
15. Michael was doing his homework when his mom came home. (wad doing=past continuous, came=past simple)
16. When i got up yesterday, it was raining and the wind was blowing. (got-past simple, was raining, was blowing=past continuous)
17. Ann got up early, took a shower, and did his morning exercises. (got, took, did=past simple)
18. He told me me that he worked on a new book.
19. I was studying for the test at English when you were calling me yesterday. (was studying, were calling= past continuous)
20. We were talking about holidays plans when the boss came into the office, and got angry for not doing our job. (were talking=past continuous, came,got=past simple)