
When her
father and sisters asked her what she had seen, the Little Mermaid said
nothing. For days she sat sadly by herself thinking of nothing but the handsome
prince. At last she could bear it no longer and told her oldest sister what had
happened to her on the night of the storm.
The Little Mermaid looked sadly at her fish's tail. 'If only I was a human,' she said.
'Don't be silly,' said her sister. We mermaids are much happier than humans. Humans
only have short lives, but we can live for three hundred years.'
'I don't care,' said the Little Mermaid. 'I would happily give up all my hundreds of
years to have just one day as a human.
You must forget all about this prince, said the Little Mermaid's oldest sister. 'You
must never speak of him again.
But the Little Mermaid could not forget about the prince and, later that night when
her father and sisters weren't looking, the Little Mermaid slipped away and went to
find the old Sea Witch.
The Sea Witch lived in the darkest, coldest part of the ocean and her house, which
was made from the bones of drowned sailors, was guarded
by poisonous water
Madam said the little Mermaid. "I have come to...
"I know why you've come child. You want to lose your fish's tail and marry your
prince, said the witch.
Can you help me?' asked the mermaid
"I can help you,' said the witch, 'but it will hurt'.
The Little Mermaid shuddered, Must tell me what I have to do,

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Am nevoie urgenta pana la ora 16:15 astazi.Multumesc!