In the home 5
Exam practice
Look at the sentences below about the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Read the text to decide if each
sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put A. If it is not correct, put B.
1 Feng Shui has been practised all over the world for 5000 years.
2 Feng Shui says that family members will get on botter with each other it the home is properly turnished. O
3 The entrance of the home should be neat and tidy.
4 The living room should be made to look as small as possible.
Exam Tip
5 Windows in the living room should be covered. I
In this part of the test, the answers
to the questions will come from a
6 Stereos and CD players should be kept in the bedroom, If possible.
small part of the text only. As you
do the task, underline the words or
7 A sheet could be used instead of a table-cloth to cover the TV. O
phrases that gave you the answer
to each question
8 Sleeping under a window is not a good idea. . O
• It's important to have a good view of the bedroom door from the bed
10 A single strong light in the bedroom is better than several soft ones.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is the art of arranging your home and the things in it in the best possible way. It began in China about
5000 years ago, but recently architects and designers all over the world have started to include the idea in their
work. The most important thing to understand about Feng Shui is the idea of chi, which means vital energy or
life force. The art of Feng Shui is to make sure that the right objects are in the right places so that the chi can
flow freely around the home. This is said to create good health and financial well-being as well as improved
relationships between parents and children and husband and wife. You can improve your own Feng Shui by
trying some of the techniques listed below.
Firstly, keep the hall of your home clear of shoes, umbrellas and other objects. This is to allow the chito enter your
home freely. If possible, put a small Indoor fountain in this part of your home.
In the living room, choose furniture which is the right size for the room and arrange it so that people can move
around the room comfortably. If the room is small, hang a mirror to create a feeling of space. Make sure you have
blinds or curtains to prevent the chi from escaping.
The bedroom is considered a very important area in Feng Shui. It is best not to have a television or any other
electrical item in here, but if you find it impossible to live without them, you can cover them with a plastic table-
cloth when you have finished using them. The table-cloth must be plastic - other materials will not work. It is also
important to unplug everything before you sleep The head of the bed should be against a wall rather than under
a this would allow your chi to escape. You should be able to see the door easily while you are lying in
bed. Place lamps by your bed for lighting instead of bright lights in the ceiling,
Try these simple ideas for a few months and see how much energy and happiness you can bring into your home.