
My family moved house three months ago when my dad got a new job. In our new
house I share a bedroom with my brother, Jed. In our old house I had my own room.
It was small but I loved it. I was calm and relaxed because I had my own space.
My life was great. Now it's awful! Jed is friendly and funny but he's really untidy. He
5 leaves his things on the floor, on the desk, on the chair and on my bed! He's also
very noisy. Last night he talked to his friends for three hours on Skype and then he
watched a film on his tablet. I felt really angry because I wanted to sleep. I can't
study when he's in our room and now I'm worried about my exams - I need to get
good results this year. What can I do? traducere

Răspuns :


Familia mea s-a mutat cu casa (știu ca nu suna bine in romana dar asa e traducerea)acum 3 luni, cand tatal meu si-a luat alt loc de munca. in noua noastra casa, imi impart dormitorul cu fratele meu,Jed. In vechea noastra casa aveam propria camera. Era mica dar am iubit-o. Eram calma si relaxata pentru ca aveam propriul meu spațiu. Viata mea era grozava, acum este ingrozitoare! Jed este prietenos si amuzant dar el este neingrijit. El isi lasa lucrurile pe podea, pe birou, pe scaun si in patul meu. el este de asemenea si foarte zgomotos. Seara trecuta el a vorbit cu prietenii lui pentru 3 ore oe Skype si apoi el a vizionat un film pe tableta lui. M-am simtit foarte furioasa pentru ca voiam sa dorm. Nu pot studia cand el este in camera noastra si acum sunt ingrijorata cu privire la examene. Trebuie sa am rezultate bune in acest an. ce pot face? POTI SA-MI DAI COROANA? A DURAT CEVA