
I. Rewrite the sentences, changing them into the Passive Voice.

I. Don't disturb now! They're preparing some very important documents.
Some very important ....
2. The workers are building a new fun-park in this area.
A new fun-park ....
3. We were watching the spectacular sunset with great admiration.
The spectacular sunset ....
4. Some dangerously looking men were following me all the way to the station.
I .....
5. The delegation was still discussing the matter while they were serving starters.
The matter while starters ..

6. While 1was having a stroll I saw they were pulling the old cinema down.
I saw that the old cinema ..
7. The surgeons were operating on the patient when the lights suddenly failed.
The patient ........when the lights suddenly failed
8. Were you really writing your composition for two hours?
............... your composition really..... ?
9. Look! Our cat is chasing a rat!
Look!A rat.............................................. . !
10. The students are listening to his lecture with great attention.
His lecture ....
11. The gang of hooligans are damaging the benches and breaking lamp-bulbs in the park.
The benches in the park.... .
and the lamp-bulbs........ hooligans.
12. The audience is not listening to the speaker.
The speaker ...
13. They are showing the last part of "Lord of the Rings" in many cinemas now.
The last part of .....
14. The coast guards were stopping and searching every car that left the felTY.
Every car that left.....​

Răspuns :

1.Some very important documents are prepared so don't disturb now!
2.A new fun-park is built by the workers in this area.
3.The spectacular sunset was watched by us with great admiration
4. I was followed by some dangerously looking men all the way to the station
5. The matter while starters were served was still discussed
6. I saw that the old cinema was pulled down by them while I was having a stroll.
7. The patient was operated by the surgeons when the lights suddenly failed.
8. Was your composition really written for two hours?
9. Look! A rat is chased by our cat!
10. His lecture is listened by the students with great attention
11. The benches in the park are damaged and the lamp-bulbs are broken by the hooligans.
12. The speaker isn't listened by the audience
13. The last part of "Lord of the Rings" is shown in many cinemas now.
14. Every car that left the FeITY was stopped and searched by the coast guards.