plssss va rogggggggggggggggggg

1. made
2. bought
3. wrote
5. drank
6. broke
7. spend
8. had
9. lost
1. She made a cake an hour ago.
2. She bought a hat last week.
3. The boy wrote a letter yesterday.
4. They swam in the sea for an hour.
5. They drank a lot of Coke last night.
6. She broke her arm last week.
7. He spent all his money last week.
8. She had a bath two minutes ago.
9. He lost his wallet last night.
Trebuie să pui toate verbele la trecut. Toate sunt neobișnuite și încalcă regula in care trebuie să adaugi "ed" la final.
Exemplu obișnuite: play - played, cook - cooked
Exemplu neobișnuite: ride - rode, read - read (se scriu la fel dar se pronunță diferit)