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At 71 km south from Madrid is Toledo, also known as "The City with three cultures", because it's an mozaic between this three cultures that left prints on the city's history: christians, muslims, jewish. The arhitectural diversity transformed Toledo in a muzeum-city in his true sense of it's word, being declared by The World Heritage of Humanity in 1986, and any modern construction is banned. A walk on small streets that form the historic center, on a hill surrounded by walls that open with old doors that will help you feel and listen his history,culture abd legends.Stately and spectacular, the Cathedral from Toledo , the second biggest as size from Spain, it's a obligatory visit if you go to Toledo.Alcázar , a big palace- fortress is placed on the biggest hill in the city, it's the perfect place to see all the city from up there. The museum El Greco, Plaza Zocodover or the jewish neighborhood are some atractions that should be seen too. Being a little city, but with a big history, it's recomended to explore it's culture and arhitecture with attention and without haste.