
Fill in could(n’t) have, ought (not) to have, needn’t
have, should(n’t) have or didn’t need to.

1 We took our time because we ..............................
.......................... be there until 11 o’clock.
2 You ......................................................................
gone to see a doctor if you were feeling so ill.
3 Andy ....................................................................
said that to Julie. He really upset her, didn’t he?
4 I was busy last Saturday, so I ................................
............... gone to his party even if I’d wanted to.
5 You ......................................................................
come to pick me up – there are plenty of taxis.
6 He ............................................................ arrived
by now, because he left at least an hour ago.
7 We .......................................................... rushed,
because we got there with plenty of time to spare.
8 If you had sprained your ankle, you ......................
........................................................ walked here.
9 You ................................................. let Paul know
what we were doing – he was waiting for us.
10 We ............................................................... take
an exam at the end of the course.​