31 Choose the best option (definite article, indefinite
article, no article) to complete this paragraph. Use
8A-8D in the Grammar reference to help you.
I've been (a) the (@vegan for about five years now. I
was (b) the / a vegetarian for two years before that, but
most of (c) the / - vegetarians I've ever met end up
becoming (d) the / - vegans or going back to eating
(e) the /- meat. The reason I stopped eating () the /
meat was that I didn't like how (g) thé / - people keep
and kill (h) the / -- animals. It's not that I'm (1) the/an
animal lover, but I have a) a lot of respect for (k) the
/ - living things on this planet. I was (1) a/ - student at
the time and now I'm (m) an/ -- engineer and I have
never regretted (n) the a choice I made back then,