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help please! pana la 17:30

1) long form / forma lungă:
You have got black hair. / Tu ai părul negru.
She has got a cute face. / Ea are o față drăguță.
He has got big eyes. / El are ochi mari.
We have got small noses. / Noi avem nasuri mari.
It has got a big mouth. / El/Ea Are gură mare.
They have got big ears. / Ei au urechi mari.
2) short from / forma scurtă:
You've got black hair. / Tu ai păr negru.
She's got a cute face. / Ea are o față drăguță.
He's got a big face. / El are ochi mari.
We've got small noses. / Noi avem nasuri mari.
It's got a big mouth. / El/Ea Are gură mare.
They're got big ears. / Ei au urechi mari.