Computer games' industry have been growing up since many years ago. Since computers and games stations are been improved very quickly, many companies are putting a great capital and time in it. From my point of view, This investment is good for this industry, because the games will be more educative, productive and funny.
On the one hand, games, and particularly computer games, are become more and more sophisticated, furthermore, there is much more variety for all ages. Due to this, the companies have to mark their games with age tags appropiate for each different age. For example, +18 or +7. Appart of this, the graphic quality is being better that even we can confuse it with a film.
On the other hand, the abbuse of any kind of computer games, obviously, could injury you. For example, a boy or girl, who spend a lot of ime playing computer games, could become careless with his/her studies. In order to avoid it, we should organize the time which they spent playing computer games.
Let me conclude by saying, not only are computer games good for education and development of your children if we use them properly; but also your children have fun with it while you are doing your duties.