
Exercitiu la engleza. Va rog sa ma ajutati.

Exercitiu La Engleza Va Rog Sa Ma Ajutati class=

Răspuns :


edict - a decree or proclamation issued by an authority and having the force of law

Lent - (in the Christian religion) a 40 day period of fasting...

oligarchy - a form of government in which pover is vested in a few persons...

briefly - for a short time

evocative - tending to evoke, to bring to mind

waterway - a river, canal, or other navigable channel used as a means of travel or transport

masquerade - a party or other gathering to which guests wear masks and costumes

ancient - dating from very long ago

heritage - the evidence of the past..

to exude - to exhibit in abundance, to radiate

throughout - all through, through the whole of(a place or period of time)

to render - to to portray or depict
