It was a SUNNY SUNDAY MORNING when me and my friends decided to go on the BEACH. the sky was as blue as always, and the waves were perfect for surfing. the GOLDEN SEND felt so soft and hot as i ran towards the water, barefoot. i just couldn’t wait to get in the water.
‘hey, maybe we shouldn’t get into the water today’ said one of my friends while pointing at a SIGN.
i looked at it, only to read the words ,,NO SWIMMING- SHARKS”, but of course, i decided to IGNORE it.
i ran towards the waves and STARTED SWIMMING.
For some time, everything was perfect, the waves, the weather even my skills were better than usual, when, out of nowhere, a SHARK APPEARED. i was terrified, i felt like i couldn’t move at all. because of the waves, my board just disappeared so my friends started YELLING. i was even more frightened but, i started swimming. at that point, the shark was nowhere to be found so i stopped for a second. then the shark suddenly appeared from behind and almost bit me when, Jack, the friend that told me about the sign, came next to me. he told me to GET ONTO HIS BOARD so we both PADDLED as fast as we could. TOWARD THE BEACH, my friends ran towards me, holding the OTHER BOARD IN PIESCES.
i was so grateful that i was SAFE and that nothing bad has happened. that day i learned an important lesson and i knew that i was LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.