
Put the verbs into the correct form of
present perfect continuous.
1) l (wait)
for you since
two o'clock.
2) Mary (live)
Germany since 1992.
3) Why is he so tired? He (play)
tennis for five hours.
4) How long (learn / you)
5) We (look for)
motorway for more than an hour.
6) i (live)
electricity for two weeks.
7) The film (run/not)
for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial
break already.
8) How long (work / she)
in the garden?
9) She (not/be)
in the
garden for more than an hour.

Răspuns :


1) l have been waiting for you since two o'clock.

2) Mary has been living in Germany since 1992.

3) Why is he so tired? He has been playing tennis for five hours.

4) How long have you been learning English ?

5) We have been looking the motorway for more than an hour.

6) I have been living without electricity for two weeks.

7) The film has not been running for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial break already.

8) How long has she been working in the garden ?

9) She has not been in the garden for more than an hour.

Câteva observații:

O1). Această formă a verbului nu are corespondent în limba română, dar se traduce cu prezentul. De exemplu, prima propoziție de mai sus se traduce așa: Te aștept de la ora două;

O2). În loc de i (live)... așa cum ai scris la propoziția 6, corect se scrie I (live)..., acel I (eu) în engleză se scrie întotdeauna cu literă MARE;

O3). La propoziția 9, am folosit Present Perfect Simple (has been), pentru că verbulului To be nu i se poate asocia forma Present Perfect Continuous.

Ai înțeles ?

Green eyes.