
Dimineata ma trezesc la 7 :30 ,merg la baie imi fac dus ,ma spal pe dinti ,ma pieptan . Apoi ma imbrac ,iau micul dejun dupa care plec la scoala . Dupa scoala ma intorc acasa ,iau pranzul iar apoi ma odihnesc doua ore . Seara ,dupa ce mi-am terminat temele imi fac ghiozdanul si ma pregatesc pentru cina . Asa se desfasoara la mine o zi din cursul saptamanii . De tradus in engleza si sa contina in text cuvintele :first ,then ,after that . Ofer coroana .

Răspuns :

In the morning I wake up at 7:30, go to the bathroom, take a shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair. Then I get dressed, have breakfast and then go to school. After school I go home, have lunch and then rest for two hours. In the evening, after I finish my homework, I pack my bag and get ready for dinner. This is how it happens to me one day during the week.

Sper ca te-am ajutat.