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Răspuns :


Harry Potter is an orphaned boy who later learns that he is a wizard. The guardian of the wizarding school, Hogwarts, comes and returns Harry from his angle and aunt. They didn't want Harry to know he was a wizard. His aunt's mother was a witch, but she wasn't. And she's been jealous since she was little. After Harry arrives at Hogwarts School, he makes friends, named Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

At Hogwarts there are 4 houses. Gryffindor, HUfflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. In Slytherin were usually sorted those with pure blood and those who practiced black magic.

There were three blood ranks. Muggles, those who had no relatives or parents wizards, Half-blood, those who had only one of the parents with a wizarding family, and Pure-blood, those who were pure, who had witch families.

Harry and his friends go through many crazy events that turn out to save the world later. Harry Potter was the one in the prophecy who was to defeat Voldemort. Voldemort was the worst black magic practitioner to kill Harry's parents. There is a famous saying "Neither one can live while the other one survives". In the 7th book, Harry fights Voldemort to death and defeats him. The 8th Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book also appeared in 2018. In this Harry Potter is married to Ron's younger sister, Ginny, and Hermione is married to Ron. Harry has 3 wonderful children named, Albus Severus, James and Lily. The name Albus comes from the principal of the Hogwarts school who loved Harry very much. Unfortunately, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince died in the 6th book, cast by a spell by no one else, Severus Snape. Yes, the name Severus comes from Snape because he showed great bravery. At first glance it seems to be on the dark side. But later it turns out that Snape risked a lot, even his own life, to be credible to Voldemort. James and Lily's name comes from Harry's parents. Albus befriends Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy. The whole family had been to Slytherin. When Albus arrives at Hogwarts he is sorted into Slytherin. But not because he's on the dark side. It just had a worse side that he didn't usually hesitate to show. We all have it.

This series is very interesting because it shows and says unimaginable things that no 7-year-old can imagine.


Sper că te-am ajutat! Apropo, îți recomand Harry Potter!