
cuvinte în engleza cu cuvântul do dau coroana și inima ajutațima​

Răspuns :

1. Will you do a job for me?

2. I did some shopping this morning.

3. Have you done your essay yet?

4. He usually does his homework in front of the television.

5. What have you been doing today, anything interesting?

6. There is nothing we can do except wait and see what happens.

7. Can I do anything to help?

8. She does the crossword in the newspaper every day.

9. She has a lot of homework to do tonight.

10. I’m going to do some work in the garden this weekend.

Ai aici 10 propoziții, din care îți poți alege ce propoziție dorești să scrii. Sper ca te-am ajutat! Coronita? ^ ^

Te referi la colocatii? (expresii cu do de ex do the dishes, do the laundry, do business, do homework)

Sau la cuvinte care au literele do in ele? (down, done, dog, dome, doubt)