Ex 1 va rog sa răspundeți la întrebări pe baza textului de la ex 2

1. Basarabia was in under the turkish suveranity sine 1538 to 1812, and then a part from Moldova was separate by russians and they renamed it into Basarabia.
2. The Stefan the Great Monument, The Sahara Monastery, The National Opera and Ballet Theatre ,,Maria Bieșu,,.
3. We have a national dance named hora and a national sport named trânta.
4. I have visited the Etnography museum, and i would like to visit The National Museum, because there i can admire panoramic paintings of wars and others battels.
5. It will be a art museum with lots of drawings of popular moldovian painters like Mihail Grecu or Victor Zâmbrea.
6. I wouldn't organize any museums, because i don't want someone to disturb me or other family members.