1 Underline the correct answer: a), b) or c).
That's the restaurant
my brother used to work.
a) where
b) which
c) to where
Do you remember Katy? The girl
father was a BBC newsreader?
a) whose
b) who's
c) of whom
He's the firemani
saved the lives of the three children.
a) which
b) who
c) to whom
run six miles a day when he was in the army.
a) used to
b) was used to do
c) used to doing
get headaches, but now I do. Perhaps I need glasses.
a) didn't used to
b) usen t to
c) didn't use to
work in a hospital? Were you a doctor or a nurse?
a) be use to
b) used to
c) use to
Did you​