
You ___ a boy. (Tu esti baiat.)

That ___ your car. (Aceea este masina dumneavoastra.)

He ___ the violin. (El canta la vioara.)

They ___ fast. (Ei alearga repede.)

He ___ your mother. (El s-a intalnit cu mama ta.)

I ___ at home. (Eu sunt acasa.)

We ___ three apple tree. (Avem trei meri.)

Did you ___ the bed? (Ai facut patul?)

The teacher ___ the papers. (Profesorul se uita peste lucrari.)

___ your coat. (Puneti-va haina.)

The pastor ___ slowly. (Preotul vorbeste incet.)

Now, ___ this form. (Acum, completati acest formular.
*aici trebuie sa cauti din lista de mai jos verbul care corespunde, ai grija la persone*
to be, to meet, to run, to have, to play, to look over, to fill out, to put on, to make, to talk​

Răspuns :

You are a boy.

That is your car.

He plays the violin.

They run fast.

He met your mother.

I am at home.

We have three apple tree.

Did you make the bed?

The teacher looks over the paper.

Put on your coat.

The pastor talks slowly.

Now, fill out this form.