
repede va rog
imi trebuie pana mâine
dau coroana​

Repede Va Rogimi Trebuie Pana Mâine Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

1.He swims in the afternoon.

2.They watch TV every day.

3.We cook twice a week.

4.You play computer games once a day.

5.I like sweets.

6.The cats run in the evening.

7.The boys love games.

8.My friend laughts when he sees our dog.

9.Ann and Peter meet once a week.

10.Ann studys English regularly.

11.Peter crys when he watches a sad movie.

12.Peter and his family rest after school.

13.A parrot has a lot of feathers.

14.My dog barks when it sees a stranger.

15.Ann has a shower every evening.

Explicatie: Present Simple consta in actiuni care sunt facute zilnice sau cateodata. De aceea se folosesc cuvintele never ,somethimes ,every evenimg, etc.

La pronumele He,She,It adaugam un "s"sau "es" la finalul verbului. Dar exista si exceptii unde have---> has.

He often listens to the radio.

They sometimes read a book.

Peter never gets angry.

Tom usually is very friendly.

I sometimes take sugar in my coffee.

Ramon and Frank often are hungry.

My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening.

Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.

They never watch TV in the afternoon.

Christine never smokes.

Explicatie: In tot deauna punem aceste cuvinte( often, sometimes, never, always, usually) inaintea verbelor.

Sper ca te am ajutat si succes la scoala!