
Dacă ar fi să alegi între un film de efecte speciale și o poveste de dragoste cu oameni reali și peisaj real ce ar alege? Dă motive pentru alegerea ta.

O compunere de 10-15 rânduri! Mulțumesc pt ajutor. ​

Răspuns :

i would prefer the special effect movie.You ask me why.I Tell You short...I REALLY DON'T LIKE ROMANTIC MOVIES! The special effect movie would be cool if it is an action movie and has a good backstory.It can be a breaking a bank movie or Something like that.... If the special effect movie would be a cartoon I would enjoy it too because I dint watched cartoons for a long time.But if it was with a lot of songs i would prefer not to see it.I get REALLY bored at this kinds of movie.I enjoy watching it with a friend too.

sper că trebuia in engleză că m-io apărut la secțiunea engleza