Va rog să rezolvați toate ex măcar într-o jumătate de oră! Dau coroană, 300 de puncte și cel mai bun răspuns repede va rog frumos! Mulțumesc!

Exercise 1:
1) John is the floor manager.- He is the floor manager
2) Riccardo really likes Mary.- He really likes Mary.
3) Hank's dog is a poodle.- He's dog is a poodle.
4) Maria is a dog trainer.- She is a dog trainer.
5) Bob and Gina are best friends.- They are best friends.
6) Theo and I work at the mall.- We work at the mall.
7) The book is very long.- It is very long.
8) The sandwiches are made of ham.- They are made of ham.
9)The professor and the student met at 3:00.- They met at 3:00.
10) Adam and I ate lunch toghether.- We ate lunch toghether.
Exercise 2:
1) Johnson bought him at the kennel.
2) Riccardo really likes her.
3) I can't take this anymore.
4) (nu stiu)
5) Bob went into vacantion with her/him(nu stiu daca e fata sau baiat)
Scuze, dar nu mai știu.
Poate îți raspunde altcineva