
Complete with the time expression that best fits in the gap, from those written below. (24 p.) AS SOON AS MEANWHILE BEFORE PREVIOUS AFTER AFTERWARDS DURING WHILE 1. Jessica was reading the newspaper in her bedroom. …………………….. someone knocked at her front door, but she didn’t hear. 2. You can check in online but you have to do it at least four hours ……………………… your flight. 3. She had an operation on her leg. ……………………….., she was unable to walk for at least a month. 4. When I was a kid, my cousins used to come and stay at my house ………………………… winter holidays. 5. The students were working on their assignments, ……………………. their teacher was grading their tests. 6. I hated my …………………………. workplace, because the manager was very authoritarian. 7. The people in India really believe in life ……………………….. death. 8. Places are limited, so make sure that you apply …………………………. possible.

Răspuns :


1. And

2. Till to

3. Because of that

4. especially into

5. And

6. exercise

7. after

8. to be

Good luck next:)

1. When
2. Before
3. After
4. Durring
5. While
6. Last
7. After
8. Faster as