
1.Complete the sentences with the words / phrases in the list. There are four extra words / phrases.


went missing






go through


go very well


going for

1.He’s worked for that company for 25 years now. He’s their oldest  .

2.Nobody knows what happened to him. The mystery of his disappearance is still  .

3.His plane  over the Atlantic Ocean.

4 They are all local  . Most of them live in the streets near us.

5.I’m so happy that I passed my driving test. It was awful and I wouldn’t want to  that again!

6.He died in  circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it was murder.

7.I’m afraid the exam didn’t  . I’m sure I’ve failed it.

8.He’s been training all year. He’s  a gold medal.

9.I saw a documentary about  fleeing across borders to escape the war.

10.Mr Sawyer runs a small business. He has a  of four people.

2.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the list. There are two extra verbs.


must have

should have


might have



couldn’t have

1.She hurt her head when she fell off her scooter. She  worn a helmet.

2.She’s a really good player. If she’d entered the race, she  won it.

3.The people  came to visit us were really nice.

4.Riace is a small village in Calabria  is a beautiful region of Italy.

5.He  stopped the accident. He was too late.

6.He  been here recently, the kettle’s still warm.

3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1.He shouldn’t has left the window open. That’s how the burglar got in.

2.She might like the film if she had come.

3.I really like that guy which plays Sam on TV.

4.She’s the runner won the gold medal.

5.He must be finished his homework by now.

6.My brother Julian, that lives in New York, is coming to stay with me.

Circle the correct words.

1. A: No way! This piece of rock can’t / mustn’t be from another planet.

B:I don’t agree with you. I think it can / might be.

2.A:I’m many / really sorry I can’t come to the football match with you.

B:No worries / problems. You can come with me next week.

3.A:I heard that you got 95%. That’s OK / phenomenal. Well done!

B:Thanks. I could hardly believe it. And my parents thought it was incredible / quite.

4.A:Next week Rebecca’s going to run a 15-kilometre race.
That’s quite a / really distance.

B:Yes, it is. And she only started running a month ago, too.
That’s amazing / challenge.

Răspuns :


1) employee

2) unexplained

3) went missing

4) residents

5) go through

6) mysterious

7) go very well

8) going for

9) refugees

10) staff


1) couldn't have

2) might have

3) who

4) which

5) couldn't have

6) must have


1) has → have

2) might like → might have liked

3) which → who

4) She's the runner who won the gold medal.

5) be → have


1) A: can't ; B: might

2) A: really ; B: worries

3) A: phenomenal ; B: incredible

4) A: quite a ; B: amazing