
Salutare. Am de scris 5 texte scurte de 5-10 rânduri în engleză despre 5 animale din diferite țări.Vă rog!!​

Răspuns :




The Pengiuns are living in Antarctica where it's so cold, brr.. . I think you asked how they catch the food? So, penguins are jumping in water and they swim to any fish he see. When they are walking, they looks slower but when they are swimming are so fast.


The cheetah can be found more in Africa. They are the fastest animals you can see and they can hit 50km/h. Thats interesting! They have a smooth skin with spots on it.


Rhino have on their face a big horn what helps it to catch the prey.


Nu prea stiu mai multe despre rinoceri, poate mai continui tu.

