poate cineva să mă ajute cu tema la engleză?

4. a) Complete with: streets, services, entertainment, transport, universities, mall, pollution, air. Write in your notebook.
1. It's got good public transport. There are buses and trolleys that run all day.
2. People are very friendly and the air is clean.
3. You can find designer clothes in the mall.
4. It takes me ages to reach my office as there are too many cars on the streets.
5. We need to drive for 30 minutes to reach shops and services.
6. There are lots of schools and universities to choose from.
7. There isn't much entertainment such as cinemas and theatres.
8. The buildings are beautiful but there is too much pollution from cars.
b) Which sentences refer to the city/countryside? Write in your notebook.
City: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8.
Countryside: 2, 5, 7.
5. Complete with the verbs in the past simple or the past continuous. Write in your notebook.
Hi Nancy,
We reached the hotel at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and went straight to the beach.
A lot of people were sunbathing on the beach and others were swimming in the water. My dad took photos with his camera while Mum ate her ice cream. We were having a great time while suddenly it started raining and it didn't stop before midnight. We spent the whole day in the hotel! At least today the weather is better! Keep you posted!