
Summary of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Tom Sawyer is a troublemaker. After Tom gets in trouble, he is ordered by Aunt Polly, with whom he lives, to whitewash their fence. When his friends see him painting the fence, Tom pretends that he loves the chore to make his friends jealous. They beg him to let them help. This is a prime example of the type of trouble Tom Sawyer is always getting up to Part of the novel is devoted to Tom's romance with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town. They like each other, but Becky is hurt when she finds out that Tom liked someone else before her. Eventually, he takes the blame for a book she ruined, making her like him again Tom is always getting into trouble, usually with his friend, Huckleberry Finn. Together they sneak out to a graveyard at night, where they witness Injun Joe murder Dr. Robinson, Tom, Huck, and their friend, Joe Harper, run away for a little while, making the town think they are dead. Eventually they come back, though, and Tom testifies against Injun Joe in court. https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer-by-mark-twain-summary-characters- analysis.html Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? 1. The text refers to the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. 2. Tom Sawyer lives with his uncle. 3. Tom loves the chore. 4. Tom liked Becky before falling for the new girl in town. 5. Tom destroyed Becky's book and blamed her. 6. Huckleberry Finn usually puts Tom hrough a lot of trouble. 7. Tom and Huck witnessed the murder of Dr. Robinson late one night. 8. Dr. Robinson killed Injun Joe in the graveyard. 9. People in town thought that Tom and his friends were dead. 10. Tom tells the court about what he saw that night in the graveyard.​