Sper ca te-am ajutat ,(ignora ce scrie mai sus de exercițiu)Succes!
Ex. 1:
where are you going next weekend?
I'm going to Predeal.
I'm taking a bus I graduated, I will return to my native town.
Tomorrow I go for home. when I get to the train station, my whole family will be waiting for me.
This traffic is terrible. We'll be late.
By the time we get to the airport, Adrian's plane has already arrived, and he'll be wondering where we are.
No, I will visit my cousins in the country.
You realize that by the time we get to Suceava we will arrive in twelve hours?
I'm going to stay at the Park Hotel in Mamaia.
On the next anniversary, they were married for 30 years. Alive has bought some clothes; She maked herself a dress.
Ex. 2
Unde vom locui după război?
„Într-un azil de bătrâni probabil”, a spus ea.
„Timp de trei ani am așteptat cu nerăbdare războiul
încheindu-se de Crăciun. Dar acum aștept cu nerăbdare până când fiul nostru va deveni locotenent comandant. "
" Poate că va fi general. "
" Dacă este război de o sută de ani, va avea timp să încerce ambele servicii ".
Sper ca te-am ajutat