
Hello, am si eu nevoie de o mica compunere/text (nu conteaza subiectul, poate fi despre orice) in care sa folositi cel putin 5 din urmatoarele expresii: 1) Talk down ( it means to talk to someone in a way that shows you think they are less important or less intelligent to you), 2) Speak up ( to speak more loudly), 3) Talk shop ( to talk about work), 4) Lose your voice ( to become unable to speak), 5) Speak your mind ( to say exactly what you think), 6) Catch what theyre saying ( to understand), 7) Talk about me behind my back ( to say negative things about someone when theyre not there), 8) To the point ( to get to the point of your story/phrase)

Răspuns :


în engleză textul sau un text în română cu expresile alea traduse din engleză în română?