Write a creative story using all of this words ! e important va rooog frumos

You can do so much in your lifetime, only by allowing yourself to have fun. For example, while you're young, go on rides. Go at an amusement park with some friends in the afternoon and have fun. Or, if you don't like rollercoasters, go on a trip outside the country and visit their tourist attractions. See their national museum, all their history in a building, or their national zoo. See all the colorful birds, rare reptiles and the insects you might fear. Take a selfie with a koala or watch dolphins do tricks. Whenever and wherever you are, have fun and live life to the fullest. Watch horror movies, like "Us" and jump out of your chair. Or watch comedy movies around friends and laugh until your cheeks hurt. Do you remember when you were younger and you wondered how will your future be? Well, you better start making that younger self proud now, because there's not a much better time to have fun than now. Throw a Hawaii themed party and watch "Lilo and Stich". Your grandkids will be so happy to hear about it when you'll be fifty years old. So, in order to make them happy, in order for you to remember all these memories, get a thick notebook and start writing every day all your favorite events. Another example for a fun event would be to pretend that you and you're friends are dynasties of the richest men alive. Or, go on a search of prehistoric fossils. Create the biggest series of events that one accomplished in their lifetime.
"Dinasties" este corect scris "dynasties". Spor!