
Now write a short presentation about
yourself using the model in exercise 6. You may add any additional information about yourself and the city you live in. exercitiul 7 va rog frumos .​

Răspuns :


Hi, my name is.....(aici pui numele tău). I am.... (varsta ta) years old. I live in Romania, in.......(pui orașul din care ești). My hair color is brown, my eye color is also brown and I'm a bit tall. My best friend's name is.....(aici pui numele prietenului tău cel mai bun), they're great and understandable. I have so many memories with them. I like..... (aici scrii ce îți place să faci) so much, that I can do this activity every single day. This is me!

Pe spatiile punctate scrii ce scrie în paranteza.