
People have always enjoyed listening to thrilling adventures and tales about courageous warriors and heroes. These 'heroic" stories on a grand scale are called EPICS and they have a central figure who is identified with the aspirations of a nation or race. They incorporate myth, legend, folk tale and history. The earliest epics were handed down by oral tradition. Others were written down at the start.

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Răspuns :

Oamenilor mereu le-a placut sa asculte aventuri palpitante si povesti despre eroi si războinici curajoși. Aceste povesti “eroice” la o scala mare sunt numite EPICS (scuze nu stiu aici) su ele au o figura centrală care este identificata de aspirațiile unei națiuni sau unei rase. Ei/ele includ mit,legenda,povesti folclorice si istorie. Primele epics au fost transmise prin tradiția orală. Celelalte au fost scrise de la inceput.

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