
VA ROG! ajutati-ma!
Write your answer in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.  

  Your school is holding an English-language story-writing competition, and you have decided to send in an entry.  

  Story competition 
We are looking for stories in English that young people will enjoy. Your story must begin
with this sentence: 
Alex looked into the dark cave and knew that he shouldn’t go any further. 
Your story must include:
 • another character 
 • a storm

Răspuns :


Alex looked into the dark cave and knew that he shouldn't go any further. It felt like everything around him was disapproving of what he was going to do, as the first step into the void was taken. The air was chilly all of a sudden and, as he looked back, trying to catch a glimpse of the outside, he was met by an endless mass of more and more darkness.

"There you go. I thought that everyone forgot about this entrance these days. The world is almost empty, regardless of all the things it has to offer!"

"Who is it?" he tried to make another step, when the walls broke down into a massive tornado. They were sitting on the ground right into the core of what looked like a storm.

"I'm the guide of this world. My job is to make sure that someone remembers it, saving it from the cruel fate of disappearance."

He was in shock, having expected anything but that. It must have been a dream. But even though he blinked and tried to wake up, the guide was still in front of him wearing a smile on her face.


Alex se uita in pestera intunecata, stiind ca nu ar trebui sa isi continuie drumul. Era ca si cum totul din jurul lui dezaproba ceea ce era pe puntul de a face, cat s-a decis sa faca primul pas. Aerul devenise mai rece si, cand a dat sa se uite in spate, tot ce a vazut a fost un void infinit de si mai mult intruneric.

"In sfarsit. Credeam ca nimeni din zilele astea nu isi mai aminteste de intrare. Lumea e atat de goala chiar daca are atat de multe de oferit!"

"Cine esti?" a incercat sa mai faca un pas, fix cand peretii au cazut dezvelind o tornada. Stateau pe pamant in mijlocul a ceea ce parea sa fie o furtuna.

"Sunt ghidul acestei lumi. Jobul meu este sa ma sigur ca cineva isi aminteste de aceasta, pentru a fi salvata de soarta cruda a disparitiei."

Era intr-o stare de soc, crezand ca va da de orice inafara de asta. Probabil ca era un vis, si totusi, chiar daca a clipit si a incercat sa se trezeasca, ghidul inca statea in fata lui cu zambetul pe buze.