
Faceti o poveste in limba engleza.
Locatie:Pumpkin Patch (adica un loc cu foarte multi dovleci)
Caractere:trei fantome
Coflictul:Cineva a luat toate bomboanele de Halloween! Cine a facut-o si cum s-a intamplat?

Repede va rog! Dau coroana!

Răspuns :


It's the night of Hallowen!Can you already fell the spooky vibes?

In the night of Hallowen,an very spoiled kid was mad that he doesn't gets any candy on trick or treating,but he had a plan,an evil plan,too steal everyones candy on the town!He was going in every house,and attacking the citizens too give him candy,but at the last door,he knocked,nobody responded,he knocked again,nobody responded,he was mad about that,after all he decided too go home.

It started raining,he tried too run so he can escape the rain,but 3 phantoms came across him,and asked him:

-You are the one who stealed all the candy on the town?asked the 3phantoms

The spoiled boy,said with a shy voice:


Then the phantoms said:

-We caught him,mates!

They boy was scared and felt bad about what he did,but he got punished by the phantoms and knew too not do that again!

Moral of the story:Never steal!