
Scrieți un scurt eseu despre prietenia adevărată și importanța ei, ținând cont de citatul lui Ralph Waldo Emerson (1 pagină):
„Cel mai bun mod de a avea un prieten bun este să fii unul”.

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involvement in a lasting friendship results from the impulse to join others and, of course, not to be alone, isolated. Friendship is a harmonious relationship, a deep relationship that can give meaning to your life. I'm sure you want it authentic. During this time, your emotional experience often reaches a very high intensity. Often, your girlfriend or boyfriend is neither your relative nor your boyfriend. Unlike relatives, you choose your own friends. It is your choice whether to maintain a friendship or end it. It is worth mentioning that, unlike love, friendship lacks passion. The demarcation line between these two terms, friendship and passion, is not so well defined. Thus, you can also be your boyfriend's friend, and your boyfriend can also become your friend. In love and friendship, one can turn into the other. Most couples therefore consider their partners as best friends. In some cultures, closest friends are found among relatives; most of the time, however, due to the decrease in time spent around relatives, the consequence is that most friendships are formed outside the extended family.


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