Va rog frumos, ajutați-mă la Engleza! Exercițiile 2 și 4! Ambele compuneri sa conțină 12-18 rânduri. (Dau coroana)

Ex 2.
Dear manager,
Hello,sir,I am sorry for interrupting you from doing your business but I think I forgot my sunglasses on the table of my apartament.
I was thinking that..we could somehow meet and you could give my sunglasses back,if it's not a big deal.
If not,that's fine,I can buy anytime new sunglasses.
If it's not a big deal we can meet in front of the hotel at the cafe on the left.I am waiting on a bench,there.
Thank you so much.
Again,I am very sorry for keeping you occuiped with this silly mistake of mine.
Have a beautiful day.
Ex 4.
Easter is the oldest and most important holiday of Christendom, which brought mankind the hope of salvation and eternal life, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection being, as Father Arsenie Boca said, the only miracle shown to all, believers and unbelievers.
A few days after the solemn entry into Jerusalem (of the Flowers), the Savior was judged and crucified, died on the cross, and was laid in the tomb. After three days, he rose from the dead. All this sequence of events took place in just one week, that of the Passion, which precedes the Resurrection.