incep cu B
1. Paula is on vacantion with her family
2. The weather is great and the sun is shining
3. She is looking outside the window
4. There are some people who are swiming and others are sailing
5. They are playing near the edge of the beach and others are building sandcastles
6. The restaurant is located just to left of their hotel
7. Yes,they look very hungry
8. Her brother is watching television
9. Her father is waiting for them outside
10. Paula is writing for sara
in primul spatiu al textului este “i’m writing” , in al doilea este “ we have” , in al treilea este “ the sun is shining” , in al patrulea este “ i’m looking” , in al cincilea este “ people went” , in al saselea si al saptelea este “ are swiming” si “ are sailing” , in al optalea este “ are looking” , in al noulea este “are playing” in al zecelea este “ are building”
in al 11 lea este “ is”