Hi friend,
My school is pretty big. It has two(Sau cate etaje are scoala ta) floors and lots of classrooms.
My friends are very funny and I enjoy talking to them in every break.
Also my favourite subjects are(si spui materiile favorite)because they are very interesting!
See you soon,
(Pui numele tau aici)
Sper ca asta e okay și acum următorul :)
Hi friend,
I’m glad you had a great time on your summer holiday! Maybe one time we can go together on vacation in an exotic place!
I had so much fun in my summer holiday when I visited Greece! The beaches were so nice and the water was very sparkly and beautiful! The hotel we stood at was also very spectacular. It had marble floor and in the lobby there was a big crystal chandelier. The hotel also had a pool which I enjoyed swimming in. Every night we went to the amusement park near the hotel. I loved that summer holiday!
Write back soon,
(Pui aici numele tau)
Primul text se încadrează in limita și al doilea are aprox. 100 de cuvinte(cred ca are puțin peste, vreo 3-4 cuvinte)
Sper ca te-am ajutat =)))
Coronița??? :))