
Read the text carefully: This morning I was late for work It started like any other day: I got up, hnd breakfast and got in my car ready for my half an hour drive to work. The sun was shining, the birds were singing; it was a good day. Then, as I turned the comer, I saw a huge queue of traffic in front of me. There had been an accident up ahead and the road was closed. There was nothing I could do After an hour of waiting, the traffic finally started to move and I quickly drove to the car park near my office. As I was turning in and looking for a space, it suddenly went dark and began to rain. But it wasn't just raining, it was pouring! Once I found a space, I searched for my umbrella, but it wasn't there! I'd taken it out of my car last night. Then, while I was searching for something to keep me dry. I remembered there was a coat in the boot. So, I ran to the boot, opened it and there it was! I threw down the key, quickly put on the coat and closed the door. I was just about to run to my office when I realized I had locked my key in the boot! I climbed back into the car, feeling tired and deflated, and called my husband to bring the spare key. I was two hours late for work! What's the moral of the story? Always bring an umbrella! I. Identify three examples of verbs for each tense in the text above: a) Past Simple: .... b) Past Continuous: c) Past Perfect Simple: . BB (0,17 x 9 - 1,5 p)​

Răspuns :


Mi-am pus cina în cuptor, am mers să mă uit la TV şi am adormit. Când m-am trezit, o oră mai târziu era un miros groaznic şi fumul venea sus pe scări: uitasem să îmi scot cina din cuptor.
