Use the past progressive in the sentences below.

2. we were enjoying
3.were they playing
4. He was gardening
5. were you watching
6. it was raining
7. I was wondering
8.were you still working
9.were living
10. she was always doing
11. were constantly improving
12. were you reading
13. was getting
past progressive este cunoscut sub numele de past continuous si se formeaza:
aff: S+ was or were+ verb+ terminatia ing
(was se foloseste la pers I sg si pers a III a sg, iar were la restul persoanelor)
neg: S+ was or were+ not+ verb+ terminatia ing
were+not= forma scurta "weren't"
was+not= forma scurta "wasn't"
int: Was or were+ S+ verb+ terminatia ing+ ?